Environmental isotope data: world survey of isotope concentration in precipitation.

Environmental isotope data: world survey of isotope concentration in precipitation. Report from a network organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the World Meteorological Organization and co-operating national laboratories. - v. 24 cm. - Technical reports series, no. 96, 117 . - Technical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency) ; no. 96, etc. .

"STI/DOC/10/96" (v. 1) Errata slip inserted in v. 1

1. 1953-1963.--2. 1964-1965.

74566740 //r852

Au69-17/17-545 (v. 1)

Precipitation (Meteorology)
Nuclear energy and meteorology.

HD9698.A1 / I6 no. 96, etc.

539.7/08 s

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