1985 International Lens Design Conference, 10-13 June 1985, Cherry Hill, New Jersey /

1985 International Lens Design Conference, 10-13 June 1985, Cherry Hill, New Jersey / William H. Taylor, Duncan T. Moore, editors ; cosponsored by Optical Society of America [and] SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering in cooperation with the International Commission for Optics. - x, 546 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - SPIE ; vol. 554 . - Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering ; v. 554. .

Includes bibliographies and index.

0892525894 (pbk.)

85062272 //r87

Lenses--Design and construction--Congresses.
Lenses--Design and construction--Data processing--Congresses.

QC385.2.D47 / I57 1985


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