Data Catalog for the 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program.

Lilly, D.

Data Catalog for the 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program. - 190 pages - NCAR Technical Notes NCAR/TN- 72+STR .

Technical Report

The 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program provided the second period of intensive measurements of mountain-induced airflow over the central Rocky Mountains. The first period was in 1968 and was reported briefly by Kuettner and Lilly (1968), Lilly and Toutenhoofd (1969), and in some respects more intensively by Vergeiner (1971). The purpose of this report is to present some of the basic data obtained in the 1970 program and to describe the nature of the remaining data with sufficient detail that interested scientists can request wanted items.


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