Canadian climate summary : monthly review of Canadian climate and water.

Canadian climate summary : monthly review of Canadian climate and water. - Downsview, Ont. : Environment Canada, [1996]- - v. : ill. - Monthly

Caption title. Each issue within a year carries the same volume number. Issued by: Canadian Meteorological Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service. Issued also in French.

Visual summary of month; Maps of departure from normal mean temperature, mean temperature; Weather extremes (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, greatest precipitation by territory; maps of % normal precipitation, total precipitation; Table of seasonal total of heating degree-days to end of month, maps of heating energy requirement (heating degree-days): by month and through the season; maps of 50 kPa atmospheric circulation of Arctic pole: mean geopotential heights, mean geopotential anomaly, normal geopotential heights, mean difference w/r to previous month; Tabular summary of monthly climate observations by station: temperature, snowfall, precipitation, bright sunshine 9hrs), degree-days below 18 C.

English Latin text, Arabic numbers

Monthly summary data





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