Introduction to Wildland Fire.

Pyne, Stephen J., 1949-

Introduction to Wildland Fire. Wildland fire - 2nd ed. - xxxiii, 769 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 725-752) and index.

1. Wildland fire fundamentals -- 2. Fire behavior -- 3. Wildland fuels -- 4. Fire weather -- 5. Fire ecology -- 6. Fire and culture -- 7. Administration of fire regimes -- 8. Programs for fire management -- 9. Fire suppression -- 10. Prescribed fire -- 11. Global fire.

"Introduction to Wildland Fire, Second Edition provides a comprehensive resource for studying the fundamentals of fire behavior, its ecological effects, and its cultural and institutional framework. This new Second Edition expands and updates the coverage of the field and explores the subject of wildfire management in a broad scientific, technical, and social context. Written by recognized authorities on fire management, it presents the fundamental physics and chemistry of fire, fire behavior, wildland fuels, the interaction of fires and weather, the ecological effects of fires, the structure of fire management programs, planning efforts, suppression strategies, prescribed fires, and global fire management. The new edition also includes such current problems as the burning of the Amazon rain forest and the implications of the recent drought-related fires that have plagued urban areas bordering on wilderness land." "Throughout the book the authors keep the subject of fire itself central. They begin by identifying, clarifying, and consolidating the basic concepts and literature of fire as a natural occurrence in the environment. General principles are illustrated with reference to specific events, and the natural incidence of fire is related to its cultural causes and effects."--Jacket.

Current Copyright Fee: GBP32.00 0.

0471549134 9780471549130


GB9645452 bnb

008069311 Uk

Brand, ...

Wildfires--Prevention and control.
Wildfires--United States.
Wildfires--Prevention and control.--United States
Fire behavior.
Fire weather.
Fire ecology.
Fire suppression.
Prescribed burning.
Case studies.
Feux de friches.
Wildfires--Prevention and control.

United States.

Forests Fires branden fires brandcontrole fire control brandgedrag fire behaviour brandecologie fire ecology onderdrukken van branden fire suppression gecontroleerd branden controlled burning bosbranden forest fires natuurbranden wildfires natuur nature Environmental Management (General) Milieubeheer (algemeen)

SD421 / .P94 1996


SD421.P94 / 1996

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