The Upper Atmosphere. by London : Hutchinson, 1958
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (2)Call number: QC879 .M3 1958, ...
Review of climatology, 1951-1955. by
- Landsberg, Helmut Erich, 1906-
- Bellamy, John Carey, 1915-. Meteorological instruments
- Marshall, John Stewart. Radiometeorology
- Petterssen, Sverre, 1898-. Weather observations, analysis, and forecasting
- Malone, Thomas F. Applied meteorology
- Hulburt, Edward Olson, 1890-. Physics of the upper atmosphere
- Kampe, Hans Joachim. Physics of clouds
- Weickmann, H. K. Physics of precipitation
- Kampe, Hans Joachim. Atmospheric electricity
Series: Meteorological monographs ; v. 3, no. 12-20Boston, MA : American Meteorological Society, 1957
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC861 .M48 1957.