Your search returned 7 results.

Chemiluminescent Processes Occurring Above Shuttle Surfaces by
Publication details: 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: ADA176697.
The Shuttle Environment: Gases Particulates And Glow by
Publication details: 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: ADA176698.
Fluorescence From Electron Irradiated Gases In Refurbished Labcede by
Publication details: 1985, SEP
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: ADA161674.
Fluorescense from electron irradiated gases in refurbished labcede. by Series: AFGL-TR ; 84-0218 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: 23321.

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