Your search returned 3 results.

Planetary nebulae [by] G. A. Gurzadyan. Revised by the author. Translated and edited by D. G. Hummer with the assistance of C. M. Varsavsky and Z. Lerman. by Language: engrus New York, Gordon and Breach [c1969]
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB855.5 .G913.
Flare stars / G. A. Gurzadyan ; rev. and essentially updated by the author ; edited by Yervant Terzian ; translated by H. A. van Herk-Kluyver. by Series: International series in natural philosophy ; v. 101 ; Language: engrus Oxford ; Pergamon Press, 1980New York : Pergamon Press, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB843 .F55 G8713 1980.
Radioastrofizika / G.A. Gurzadi͡a︡n. by Erevan : Izd-vo Akademii nauk Armi͡a︡nskoĭ SSR, 1956
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB475 .G8.

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