Your search returned 140 results.

Astronomical infrared spectroscopy : future observational directions / edited by Sun Kwok. by Series: Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series ; v. 41San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB470 .A1 A87 1992.
Infrared Transmission and Path Radiance Through Dust and Fog. by 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: 28379.
Catalog of infrared observations / Daniel Y. Gezari ... [et al.]. by Series: NASA reference publication ; 1294
Edition: 3rd ed.
Washington, D.C. : NASA Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program, 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB470 .G49 1993.
Far infrared supplement : Catalog of infrared observations : ([lambda greater than or equal to] 4.6 [microns]). by Series: NASA reference publication ; 1295, rev. 1
Edition: 3rd ed., rev. 1.
[Washington, D.C.?] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, [1993]
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QB470 .G49 1993 SUPPL 2.
Science with high spatial resolution far-infrared data. by Series: JPL publication ; 94-5 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: 28818.
Infrared technology fundamentals / Monroe Schlessinger. by Series: Optical engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.) ; v. 46.
Edition: 2nd ed., rev. and expanded
New York : M. Dekker, c1995
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: TA1570 .S35 1995.

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