Your search returned 16 results.

Chemistry of the unpolluted and polluted troposphere : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held on the Island of Corfu, Greece, September 28-October 10, 1981 / edited by H.W. Georgii and W. Jaeschke. by Series: NATO advanced study institutes series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; v. 96Dordrecht, Holland ; D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1982Boston : Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston, c1982Hingham, MA : c1982
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC881.2 .T75 N37 1981.
Physically-based modelling and simulation of climate and climatic change / edited by M.E. Schlesinger. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 243.Dordrecht ; Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1988Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1988
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (2)Call number: QC980 .N37 1986 PT.2, ...
Natural convection : fundamentals and applications / edited by S. Kakaç, W. Aung, R. Viskanta. by Washington : Hemisphere Pub. Corp. ; c1985Berlin : Distribution outside North America, Springer-Verlag, c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC330 .N38 1985.
Diffraction-limited imaging with very large telescopes / edited by D.M. Alloin and J.-M. Mariotti. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 274.Dordrecht ; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (2)Call number: QB51.3 .E43 .N38 1988, ...
Mesoscale Meteorology - theories, observations, and models edited by Douglas K. Lilly and Tzvi Gal-Chen. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 114.Dordrecht [Holland] ; Boston : Hingham, MA : Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division [by] D. Reidel Pub. Co., Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1983Copyright date: 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (2)Call number: QC883.4 .N37 1982, ...
Fundamentals of gas phase ion chemistry / edited by Keith R. Jennings. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 347.Dordrecht ; Kluwer Academic Publishers in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, c1991Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, c1991
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QD501 .N365 1990.
The Global carbon cycle / edited by Martin Heimann. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series I, Global environmental change ; ; vol. 15Berlin ; Springer-Verlag, c1993New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC879.8 .G54 1993.
Low-temperature chemistry of the atmosphere / edited by Geert K. Moortgat ... [et al.]. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series I, Global environmental change ; ; vol. 21Berlin ; Springer-Verlag, c1994New York : Springer-Verlag, c1994
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC879.6 .L69 1994.
Ocean modeling and parameterization / edited by Eric P. Chassignet and Jacques Verron. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 516.Dordrecht ; Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1998Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1998
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (2)Call number: GC10.4 .M36 .O25 1998, ...
Chemistry and radiation changes in the ozone layer / edited by Christos S. Zerefos, Ivar S.A. Isaksen, Ioannis Ziomas. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 557.Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c 2000Boston, MA : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC879.7 .C48 2000.
Remote sensing applications in meteorology and climatology / edited by Robin A. Vaughan. by Series: NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences ; ; no. 201.Dordrecht ; D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; c1987Boston : Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1987Norwell, MA, U.S.A. : c1987
Availability: Items available for loan: NCAR Library (1)Call number: QC871 .N34 1986.

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